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How to Prolong a Battery’s Runtime for your Motorola Two-Way Radios / Walkie-Talkies

Na Utilities Electricity Callaway Electric 73 Juan Martinez

The Do’s and Don’t’s of Battery Care

The longevity of your batteries is as essential as your two-way radios. Whether it is for on-call at late nights, or communicating with your staff during an event– the battery needs to last longer than your shift. When it comes down to a critical moment, good battery care will show a significant difference in efficiency as most communication breakdowns in portable communications are caused by poor battery performance.

There are various factors that contribute to the run time of a battery, such as weather, temperature, or unknown hazards that may exist in third-party batteries. With a complete portfolio of genuine Motorola Original Accessories, ATTACHE assures you that our batteries are trialled and tested to ensure optimal performance so that you can have the utmost confidence to face any situation.

Note that all Li-Ion batteries are charged to less than 30% of their rated capacity due to the requirement to comply with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) policy.

Battery Care

Even with the highest quality of materials, bad battery care will very effectively kill a battery’s effectiveness, resulting in more frequent battery recharges or replacements.

Here are some things you should or should not do to help prevent your batteries from depleting unnecessarily.


As batteries may react not react to heat well, store batteries in a well ventilated, temperature (68°F/20°C to 86°F/30°C) and humidity (30%-60%) controlled environment.

Every battery has its own Ingress Protection (IP) rating which is used to define levels of sealing effectiveness of electrical enclosures against intrusion from foreign bodies (tools, dirt etc) and moisture1. Simply put, this rating determines how much water or dust can the battery be safely exposed to, which is what you need to predetermine before purchasing them. So always use batteries in accordance with its water and dust Ingress Protection (IP) rating. 

Other pointers to prolong battery runtime includes exercising care in handling any charged battery, particularly when placing it inside a pocket, purse, or other containers with metal objects such as jewellery, keys, or coins.

Every month, inspect all battery contacts for dirt, grime and dust. Clean the contacts using a microfiber cloth or a lint-free cloth. Reapply DeoxIT Gold on the radio side contacts using DeoxIT pen PN# G100P.


Popular for its lightweight and longer-lasting energy, lithium-ion batteries are most commonly used as rechargeable batteries in portable devices. Comparatively, these batteries store more energy than other rechargeable batteries out there, allowing it to go on longer without needing a recharge. 

Lithium-ion batteries are full of flammable parts, which is why it is vital not to store the batteries with flammable materials.

This also applies to when you are discarding your battery too, do not discard your battery in a fire. In some states, throwing rechargeable batteries in the trash is illegal as it can be hazardous to the environment, but they can be recycled, so be sure to use the correct disposal method before tossing them away.

Similarly, do not dry a wet battery with a heat source. In the event that the contacts of a radio battery are wet, dry it with a cloth before attaching it back to the radio– avoiding appliances such as a hairdryer or an oven.

Do not change the form of your battery by disassembling, crushing, puncturing, shredding, or other any other methods that fall into the category.

Care & Headling:

  • Charge battery within 1 month of receipt.
  • Always charge your battery using the approved Motorola charger. Charging in non-Motorola chargers may lead to reduced performance and battery damage.

Battery Storage Recommendations

New batteries that will be stored should be charged to greater than 50% (but less than 100%) state of charge within 1 month of receipt. Every 9 months, batteries must be recharged to greater than 50% state of charge. 

Batteries removed from service for storage should be charged to greater than 50% state of charge. Every 9 months, batteries must be recharged to greater than 50% state of charge.

Do not store batteries attached to radios or host devices. This will minimize the current drain on the battery. 

Note: Batteries removed from storage may take several charge/discharge cycles to achieve their optimal capacity. One or two reconditioning cycles will accelerate capacity recovery.

Battery Initialization / Re-celibration / Reconditioning Recommendations (for IMPRES Battery)

For full IMPRES functionality, a new IMPRES battery must be initialized/calibrated by the IMPRES charger. The IMPRES charger will automatically detect the new IMPRES battery and automatically start the initialization/calibration process. 

IMPRES chargers will automatically re-calibrate / recondition IMPRES batteries periodically and users should not bypass the recalibration / reconditioning process.

IMPRES Vehicular Chargers CANNOT re-calibrate / recondition IMPRES batteries, only IMPRES desktop chargers can perform re-calibration / reconditioning. Therefore, new IMPRES batteries must be initialized/calibrated in an IMPRES desktop charger and subsequent reconditioning/recalibrations must be performed in an IMPRES desktop charger.

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